Welcome to my new blog!

Dear Reader,

I’m happy to meet you. I’m Deb (also known as Cydira, the Veiled Witch). I have seen lots of my friends and associates struggle with all of the things that go with running a household, up to and including the basics of putting together a meal from scratch, how to make a budget, and simple mending of clothes. These are skills that I have and I want to share with you.

Blog posts are not as effective as having a friend sitting right at your kitchen table, but I’ll do my best to help you out. Posts are on a weekly basis. Every month has a theme. This month has only one full week left in it (and we’re partly through it already!). Thus, my post for this week is an ‘About Me!’ one. In no particular order, here’s 20 facts about me.

  1. I am a practicing witch. I am also ordained clergy, complete with official paperwork.
  2. I have known my husband since we were in elementary school. (Yes, we were in denial that we were in love with each other for a long while. Now we’re the high school sweethearts who grew up and got married.)
  3. My favorite food is strawberries. My second favorite is pasta.
  4. I have chronic illnesses. They make housework and other stuff challenging but I muddle through.
  5. I am not as good at gardening as I’d like to be.
  6. I love music and used to sing in the school choir.
  7. I write novels.
  8. I love poetry.
  9. My work history is in education.
  10. I wrote my first novel in high school. (It never got published. The computer ate it.)
  11. I don’t watch television for entertainment.
  12. I make preemie hats for charity.
  13. My favorite color is pink.
  14. My favorite flowers are roses followed by lilies.
  15. I loathe the feeling of insects walking on my skin.
  16. I have dyed my hair 3 times in my whole life.
  17. I have a white veined Inch plant that has been trying to takeover the world since 2004. My grandmother gave to me from her plant when I moved into my first apartment.
  18. I live in Western New York in the Finger Lakes Region.
  19. I went to college in Baltimore, MD at Notre Dame University of Maryland. Go Gators!
  20. I am relearning how to speak and read Spanish.

Next week and next month the theme is pantry management.


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SAHM to 2 boys and wife of one very busy guy, life never is dull at my place. I love to cook and make things. Fiber arts enthusiast, spinner, and general handcrafter, I do a little of everything. Happily pagan, but that is on my other blog, Veiled Witch's Mirror.

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